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[solved] lua table structure

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Wow I'm a big bad idiot...

ts.portal[x] = x

I assigned the value of x as key instead of "x"...

of course when I then use an undefined key id get a nil result D:



I was restructuring my code and turned lots of single variables into tables. basically nothing has really changed in the codes logic except for how we store out values.

And boy! I am having a really bad time right now >_> 

cause the log keeps telling me, that a table, which is supposed to hold coordinates is in fact nil...

now I don't know how the hell this can be happening q.q but check this out:
i filtered the server log for the important lines



[00:00:11]: [Debug] portal(-90,0,-34)	
[00:00:11]: [Debug] base1(-468,0,219)	
[00:00:11]: [Debug] base2(80,0,-543)
[00:00:11]: Sim paused
[00:00:42]: Resuming user: session/6E66248BBE2FFFD6/KU_eLFAMso2_
[00:06:28]: Spawn request: wilson from andmann
[00:06:28]: [DEBUG] checkworld true	
[00:06:28]: [DEBUG] checking what to do with new player	
[00:06:28]: true	
[00:06:28]: [string "../mods/workshop-737054453/scripts/componen..."]:173: calling 'SetPosition' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C]:-1 in (method) SetPosition (C) <-1--1>
../mods/workshop-737054453/scripts/components/teamsurvival.lua:173 in (method) TeleportEvent (Lua) <170-176>
   self =
      status = lobby
      game = false
      inst = 100021 - world (valid:true)
      teamcomp = standard
      eventeams = false
      bases = table: 1F04BF38
      lobbysize = 4
      portal = table: 1F04C230
   inst = 112186 -  (valid:true)
   x = nil
   y = nil
   z = nil
../mods/workshop-737054453/modmain.lua:84 in (local) fn (Lua) <77-90>
   inst = 100021 - world (valid:true)
   player = 112186 -  (valid:true)
   ts = table: 1A23D8E8
scripts/entityscript.lua:972 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <959-986>
   self (valid:true) =
      GUID = 100021
      inlimbo = false
      Pathfinder = Pathfinder (1A1F4E50)
      worldstatewatching = table: 1A21C468
      prefabswapstatus = table: 1985CD80
      worldprefab = forest
      ismastershard = true
      shard = 100025 - shard_network (valid:true)
      OnRemoveEntity = function - scripts/prefabs/world.lua:236
      pendingtasks = table: 1A21D8E0
      hideminimap = false
      state = table: 1A216BF8
      spawntime = 0
      Transform = Transform (1A1F4E10)
      generated = table: 1984DB80
      event_listening = table: 1A216AB8
      actioncomponents = table: 1A216108
      lower_components_shadow = table: 1A215B90
      entity = Entity (19B11100)
      prefab = world
      updatecomponents = table: 1A21DA70
      Map = Map (1A1F4EB0)
      watchingcycles = true
      net = 100024 - forest_network (valid:true)
      persists = false
      meta = table: 1984DB30
      GroundCreep = GroundCreep (1A1F4ED0)
      event_listeners = table: 1A216A68
      minimap = 100022 - minimap (valid:true)
      PostInit = function - scripts/prefabs/world.lua:214
      ismastersim = true
      name = MISSING NAME
      WaveComponent = WaveComponent (1A1F5A50)
      replica = table: 1A216518
      topology = table: 1985FE90
      components = table: 1A215C30
      SoundEmitter = SoundEmitter (1A1F5570)
   event = ms_playerspawn
   data = 112186 -  (valid:true)
   listeners = table: 1A23DA28
   tocall = table: 1EBD45E0
   i = 1
   fn = function - ../mods/workshop-737054453/modmain.lua:77
scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1841 in (field) fn (Lua) <1536-1844>
   inst = 112186 -  (valid:true)
scripts/mainfunctions.lua:146 in () ? (Lua) <135-177>
   name = wilson
   prefab = Prefab wilson - 

[00:06:28]: [string "../mods/workshop-737054453/scripts/componen..."]:173: calling 'SetPosition' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    =[C]:-1 in (method) SetPosition (C) <-1--1>
    ../mods/workshop-737054453/scripts/components/teamsurvival.lua:173 in (method) TeleportEvent (Lua) <170-176>
    ../mods/workshop-737054453/modmain.lua:84 in (local) fn (Lua) <77-90>
    scripts/entityscript.lua:972 in (method) PushEvent (Lua) <959-986>
    scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1841 in (field) fn (Lua) <1536-1844>
    scripts/mainfunctions.lua:146 in () ? (Lua) <135-177>




so from the log I can tell, that the coordinates I at first assign are structured just fine. Yet when CheckNewPlayer calls for ts.portal the data is suddenly gone...

while copy pasting this I noticed that the sim was still paused when calling the table? I'm not sure if that is the case and if that would be problematic.


the relevant code lines of modmain: especially ListenForEvent("ms_playerspawn") might be noteworthy


--                    world instance
local function CheckNewPlayer(inst, player)
	print("[DEBUG] checkworld "..tostring(inst == GLOBAL.TheWorld))
	if inst ~= nil and inst.ismastersim then
		local ts = inst.components.teamsurvival
		print("[DEBUG] checking what to do with new player")
		if ts:GoToLobby(player) then
			print(tostring(ts.portal[x] == nil))--.." = "..ts.portal[x]..","..ts.portal[y]..","..ts.portal[y])
			ts:TeleportEvent(player, ts.portal[x], ts.portal[y], ts.portal[z])

AddPrefabPostInit("world", function(inst)
	if inst and inst.ismastersim then
		--TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_playerspawn", inst) for reference
		inst:ListenForEvent("ms_playerspawn", CheckNewPlayer)

AddPrefabPostInit("multiplayer_portal", function(inst)
	if GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim then
		inst:DoTaskInTime(0, function()
			local ts = GLOBAL.TheWorld.components.teamsurvival
			local portal = inst:GetPosition()
			local x,y,z=portal:Get()

			--self.portal =--{x=0,y=0,z=0}
			--self.bases =--{{x=0,y=0,z=0},{x=0,y=0,z=0}}
			ts.portal = {}
			ts.portal[x] = x
			ts.portal[y] = y
			ts.portal[z] = z
			print("[Debug] portal("..ts.portal[x]..","..ts.portal[y]..","..ts.portal[z]..")")


the relevant parts of the teamsurvival component


local teamsurvival = Class(function(self, inst)

	self.inst = inst
	self.bases ={}--{{x=0,y=0,z=0},{x=0,y=0,z=0}}

	-- general stats
	self.lobbysize = 6
	self.eventeams = false
	self.teamcomp = "standard"
	self.game = false

function teamsurvival:OnSave()
		portal = self.portal,
		bases = self.bases,
		status = self.status,
		game = self.game,

function teamsurvival:OnLoad(data)
	self.portal = data and data.portal or {}
	self.bases = data and data.bases or {}
	self.status = data and data.status or "lobby"
	self.game = data and data.game or false

function teamsurvival:TeleportEvent(inst, x, y, z)
	if inst.status ~= nil then
			inst.Transform:SetPosition(x, y, z)
		--until inst:GetPosition() == {x,y,z}

return teamsurvival


Edited by Andmann
Solved: Im a big bad idiot D:
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