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I need help (adding mods to dedicated server)

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I have a few questions regarding mods.
I tried following this guide in the link below and it didn't work, what am I doing wrong exactly with the ForceEnableMod" method?

I'm running it through steamCMD

This is what my Modsettings.lua look like from the folder: steamcmd/steamapps/common/DST dedicated server/mods1QhYYHo.png

Every time I run the server and re-open the Modsettings.lua, my edits are gone as well. How do I enable the mods for my server and keep them there?

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Same problem with both mod files. dedicated_servers_mods_setup.lua and  modsettings.lua... All my corrections are gone away after server starts... Help please. I tried to install AFK detection...

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dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua and modsettings.lua files are reverted to their original contents by validate parameter in the steamcmd command that updates the server. According to https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Validate, the validate parameter is recommended after the first install and when there are some problems due to corrupted files.

Remove the validate steamcmd parameter from the batch/script that is used to start the dedicated server regularly (and possibly make a separate batch/script that contains it, to force updating if some problems arise).

Also, the recommended way to enable the mods is via modoverrides.lua file, not force-enabling them in modsettings.lua. You'll still have to specify them in dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua to actually download them (and update them when a mod gets updated).

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