Map beacon/pin-pointing function suggestion

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      I have been playing Don't Starve since 2014 and I have always wished for a way to make traveling/navigating easier. So, I thought it would be kind of nice to add a way to be able to pinpoint locations you've explored on the map. For example, you might find the ring thing early on and you might not want to pick it up for a lack of inventory space. So instead of trying to have to remember where that is, you could mark that spot on the map to return to later. Later on when you want to return to that location, you simply look at the map and find where you marked what ever you found. Not only that, but if you were able to make multiple beacons/pin-points, you could map out how you wanted to spend the day so you don't forget later.

      I know that there is probably mods for this, but it would be nice if it was just be implemented into the game. If you are reading this Klei, then I hope you like my suggestion and maybe consider implementing this idea into the game. Thanks!



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