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[Help] left/rightclickoverride does not work in client

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I'm trying to override the click but it just work on server side, On server everything works well, but in client side the click functions stay unchanged.
Here's my code:

local function LeftActions(inst, target, position) 
    if target and inst:HasTag("other") then  
		if target ~= nil and target ~= inst then
			if inst.replica.combat:CanTarget(target) then
			  return (not target:HasTag("player") or inst.components.playercontroller:IsControlPressed(CONTROL_FORCE_ATTACK))
				  and inst.components.playeractionpicker:SortActionList({ ACTIONS.ATTACK }, target, nil)
				  or nil

-- Change leftclick actions
if leftClick then
		inst.components.playeractionpicker.leftclickoverride = nil
		inst.components.playeractionpicker.leftclickoverride = LeftActions

Any suggestion?

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I tried running ThePlayer.components.playeractionpicker.leftclickoverride = LeftActions in the console while on my dedicated server (local mode) and it worked, in that the LeftAction function was being periodically executed.

Is your Change leftclick actions section being executed on the client as well or is it after TheWorld.ismastersim check?

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Can you explain me how does  TheWorld.ismastersim works?
I thought that it is only for new components or prefabs and I'm just working on a character based on a existing things.

sorry my english :)

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TheWorld.ismastersim is true on the server/host and false on the client. Thus it's used to determine which parts of the code are accessible on server/client, since some components are available only on server.
However its value is set after the world is initialized, so it can't be used directly in the modmain. For that one can use TheNet:GetIsServer() or TheNet:GetIsClient().

Also see

I found this piece of code in one of my test mods (to be put into modmain):

local function getmastersims()
    local ismastersim = GLOBAL.TheWorld == nil and "TheWorld_nil" or GLOBAL.TheWorld.ismastersim
    local isdedicated
    if GLOBAL.TheNet then
        local isded = GLOBAL.TheNet:IsDedicated()
        if isded == nil then
            isdedicated = "TheNetIsDedicated_nil"
            isdedicated = isded
        isdedicated = "TheNet_nil"
    local isserver
    if GLOBAL.TheNet then
        local isser = GLOBAL.TheNet:GetIsServer()
        if isser == nil then
            isserver = "TheNetGetIsServer_nil"
            isserver = isser
        isserver = "TheNet_nil"
    return string.format("ismastersim=%s, isdedicated=%s, isserver=%s", tostring(ismastersim), tostring(isdedicated), tostring(isserver))

GLOBAL.getmastersims = getmastersims

Then entered into debug console print(getmastersims()) whenever I wanted to print all those three values, to see how they changed.

Edited by Muche
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Ok thanks for the explanation.
But in my problem case, i have to run that code (leftclickoverride) on client or host side?
So, how can i force run on client/host? 
I tried call then both in common_postinit and and master_postinit together TheWorld.ismastersim if but did not work.

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I'd recommend doing some research first: put a uniquely identifiable debug print into the function of interest (in this case PlayerActionPicker:GetLeftClickActions and PlayerActionPicker:GetRightClickActions, play the game and see if it appears when you expect it to and if it shows up in client_log when hosting a world/playing as client or server_log when hosting multilevel world.
I usually go with something like print(string.format("[PlayerActionPicker:GetLeftClickActions(%s,%s)] self.leftclickoverride=%s", tostring(position), tostring(target), tostring(self.leftclickoverride))), or, since self.leftclickoverride can hold a function, I might go with

local function format_fn(fn)
    assert(type(fn) == "function", string.format("Type of fn is %s, expected function", type(fn)))
    local info = debug.getinfo(fn)
    return string.format("%s %s %s <%s-%s>", tostring(fn), tostring(info.source), tostring(info.name or "?"), tostring(info.linedefined), tostring(info.lastlinedefined))
local _fn = type(self.leftclickoverride) == "function" and format_fn(self.leftclickoverride) or tostring(self.leftclickoverride)
print(string.format("[PlayerActionPicker:GetLeftClickActions(%s,%s)] self.leftclickoverride=%s", tostring(position), tostring(target), _fn))

In this case, if I am not mistaken, GetLeft|RightClickActions runs on client, so having the code section in common_postinit seems more appropriate.

However, looking into player_common.lua, playeractionpicker component is being added in OnSetOwner(), which is used as a listener for setowner event, so it's possible that playeractionpicker component might not yet exist at the time the common_postinit function is run. You might need delayed execution with something like

inst:DoTaskInTime(0.5, function()
    if inst.components.playeractionpicker ~= nil then
        if leftClick then
            inst.components.playeractionpicker.leftclickoverride = nil
            inst.components.playeractionpicker.leftclickoverride = LeftActions
        print(string.format("[UniqueFoobar] playeractionpicker component of inst (%s) is nil", tostring(inst)))

In player_common|MakePlayerCharacter()|fn() can be seen how common_postinit and master_postinit parameters are used in regards to TheWorld.ismastersim - first the common_postinit is executed (if defined), then TheWorld.ismastersim check determines if it is being run on the server (the rest of the function is executed, which includes execution of master_postinit) or client (function returns).

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I really can not make it work. :(
I'm based in woodie code and I can't understand why some functions doesn't works like:







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