World keeps corrupting

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Still trying to work out why this is happening. Basically, I have a world where it corrupted after exiting on day 119 on my PC. Luckily, I had a copy on my laptop that I managed to restore through some steam cloud manipulation, but that was only on day 96. I guess I was okay with this because it was better than no world at all.

But then I played on it again on my pc and it corrupted AGAIN at day 105ish. So now I have to restore the save again from my laptop.

Anyone know why this is happening? It's obviously bugging the hell out of me, so if someone has a solution (or even a cause) it would be much appreciated.

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Well wait for patch.

The game world is a mess and currently it still do not worth playing seriously. 

Examples are krissure sometimes just appear to burn gives light without being able to cook with it. 

Coffee sometimes do not wilt when pick during no dry season. 

etc go to bug tracker to see how many problems are there. Just have fun with the game. Dont care too much if you die or file corrupts. Hope things gets better for next patch, which focues on the bugs

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