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DST dedicated cave server lag handling

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Okay, there are tons of posts like this already, so i will just jump to the point

my internet speed is 80Mbps down, 20Mbps up, and my machine is a total beast in term of computation power

the world is at 130+days, now is almost unplayable because of the lagging, yesterday me and my girlfriend tried 70+times to get a scale from the dragonfly by using the firepowder method with no success, simply because the server lagged so much, we couldn't light the powder before the monster woke up.

Tried Lan only, didn't help

Tried anti-lag mods, didn't help

Tried tweaking the modem, didn't help

Tried changing tick rate & max player, didn't help

Tried crying out loud, didn't help

What I really want to say is, Klei did a good job on creating this game, but such a bad one on maintaining it, someone from Klei should at least comes out and explains why this is happening, and why it is not a priority for them to fix it, instead of just ignoring the posts from users.

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