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My Day 7 Wolfgang Winter

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I had a great start on my new server, a large pig village next to a desert and beefalo next door, cave entrances close by, everything was perfect. I ran into the classic ice box set piece and set it on fire, retrieving the loot without tripping the trap. I got out my hammer to take down the ice box, and looked down at my phone while I was demolishing.  I didn't realize that I was holding down the spacebar still, and all of a sudden I hear the 'whoosh' of winter and snow begins to fall. I had hammered the crispy remains of the chest. I debate resetting for a split second before setting my jaw. Wolfgang is Mighty. Wolfgang can survive an early winter.


I painstakingly made my way back to my small(ish) base, lighting some spare manure on the way for warmth. 



That night, a hound attack combined with an unfortunate lightning strike left me with under 15 HP; I regained my health using the rest of my food stores. The next day I had some drying racks up and had enough health to go hunting. I followed the longest path of tracks I think I've ever seen, which led me into the desert... closer and closer to some pools of lava I didn't fancy getting too close to. I finally found the beast, who juked straight past me into the arms of the Dragonfly. I watched as they did battle, and a stack full of meat fell onto the ground. Then I realized I had gotten too close, and was promptly attacked. I ran, but there is no outrunning that monster. A breath away from death, I stopped, accepting my fate; at that exact moment, the Dragonfly threw a temper tantrum and flew away. I wanted nothing more than to leave, but my hunger was going down quicklike. I pushed my luck and ran back into the beast's lair, waiting until he flew far enough away, and grabbed all the loot. That night, I had a feast. 

The rest of winter passed by uneventful compared to those first few days. I went walrus hunting on day 14 and got lucky with the drops, tusk and tam o' shanter. I also knocked down a forest using a clockwork rook, and accidentally got between a fight between it and several angry trees.  I also went looking for Deerclops but he never showed his face, the coward. 




and here's me in my day 20 spring! 




I thought it'd be a cool story to share, I enjoyed the challenge and I'd never done an early winter before. I'm still playing on this one, and am currently moving my base, as a small patch of rocklands I hadn't seen across the water is sending meteors into everything. Thanks for reading. 

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