[Shipwrecked bug: Gameplay] Newly planted trees blown by strong winds.


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A strange occurrence has occurred to me when playing the Shipwrecked expansion. Upon planting trees during high winds, they will proceed to slide on the ground and disappear after a while. 


  • Steam without mods running

Version Number: 

  • Rev. 162633

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Play on a Shipwrecked world.
  2. Get a Jungle tree seed (just chop down a Jungle tree, may work with other trees however I haven't tested).
  3. Wait until strong winds (I discovered this in Hurricane season, so potentially wait until then)
  4. As strong winds pick up, plant seed (due to the somewhat random nature of winds, this may require multiple attempts).
  5. The sapling will now begin to be "blown" by the wind, acting as dropped items in wind (while I walked away to do something else, I assume they kept going until touching water and despawning).

Images as it happened





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