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180 Days Challenge

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Hello survivors!


We are a small group of people that enjoys survival games waaay too much, being DST one of our all-time favorites.


However, we always wanted to spice things up regarding difficulty and end-game objectives, so we recently started a little but interesting challenge that I'll be explaining right here.


Our challenge consists on this basic principle: stay alive as long as you can. If you keep your belly full till day 180 of your character, you win the challenge.


We've set up a dedicated server that runs this challenge once per month, and it usually takes place on the first week. However there's a twist:


  • Has every setting as default, except one thing: seasons are very long (50 days of autumn, 40 days of winter, 50 days of spring, 40 days of summer). This kinda ensures that a character has to survive thru all 4 seasons.
  • It's a wilderness world: if death embraces you, you better pick yourself up and try again!
  • There's a time limit: the world ends on day 365 (ideally).
  • Everyone that wins the challenge wins a prize! It usually involves something DS-related. December prize was a copy of Shipwrecked.

Besides that there's a few other things to note: server pauses when no one's playing and there's a daily restart at 3:00 UTC to keep things running as smooth as possible.


This month was our first serious run: server became public and it had many players. Nonetheless only one player beat the challenge.


When the challenge is off, we launch up an endless and 24/7 persistent server that you can find right now (180 Days Endless) that's way more relaxed.


So without further due, here's the link to our Steam group to keep you informed about each month's challenge starting dates, memorabilia, hall of fame, and such:


180 Days Challenge Steam Group


Happy surviving!

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