[Suggestion] -- Hounds

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Playing the expansion has been a lot of fun, but I feel it's a bit too easy to avoid hounds  most of the time, on account of the ability to jump into a nearby boat after they spawn, and wait for them to aggro something else.


I encountered a bug that gave me an idea: a hound was thrown into the water and had the ability to chase after me. What if, as the game progresses in days, instead of sharks or hounds at sea or on land respectively, you get attacked by flying creatures or something similar that can attack you on either the land or at sea? I think being able to bale so easily on something that's supposed to test your preparedness should be addressed, and not being able to just ditch hounds or sharks would be more difficult  fun.


I think a Pixiu (or something similar, dog/cat-thing with wings) from mythology might lend itself to the darker monster artstyle, as well as that creature's relation to Earth/Sea/Wealth (a more successful late-game player is likely more affluent.) It worked for Krampus.



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