[General] - Birchnut Tree not withering in winter


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Bug Submission:

Category: General
Issue Title: Birchnut Tree not withering in winter
Issue Description: I'm not sure if this is too trivial and/or unimportant to report or if this is the correct place at all, but I noticed a Birchnut Tree which did not follow its natural course during winter. The reason for this, I am guessing, is that earlier I took a chop at it with the Axe, but did not chop it down all the way and now it remains magnificently radiant, even though all the rest of the Birchnut trees are withered.
Steps to Reproduce: I started chopping the tree down, but never finished the job.


Edit: If this was intentional, however, please disregard this!

Edit 2: Never mind, it went back to normal after a few days, how embarrassing!

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