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Cannot see server over VPN :(

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Hi there,


I am new to DST but I have some experience with LAN play with other games.


I am running latest version from Steam (Linux) and what I usually do to play with my brother (living far away) is connect to our VPN and then go offline and play there as in a LAN. This is the same concept of tunngle or evolvehq, without the ads (because I already hav a VPN)


Now, with DST we both open DST after connecting to VPN but nothing can be seen in the browse section :(


Ping works fine, also UDP port connections work fine; I think DST gets confused by multiple network interfaces and/or disallows connections.


If I use c_connect from console, I get an error saying the server allows only local connections (yeah, I know, that was the idea..) :(

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