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Dont Starve together sanity loss in rain help?

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I have been working fine with mods in both DS and DST BUT

I have one problem; 

Im making a character for a friend who is supposed to lose sanity when it rains; and lose more and more depending on how wet the world is (well significantly more than normal sanity drain from rain)

And I cant figure out at all how to do this 

Im still pretty much a noob so any explainations are helpful 

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I have been working fine with mods in both DS and DST BUT

I have one problem; 

Im making a character for a friend who is supposed to lose sanity when it rains; and lose more and more depending on how wet the world is (well significantly more than normal sanity drain from rain)

And I cant figure out at all how to do this 

Im still pretty much a noob so any explainations are helpful 


This is the code I used to "gain sanity" during rain, dapperness included.

(You could probably put a negative sign before the TUNING in order to get the opposite effect.)

Put this outside your master_postinit

--Gain sanity in rainlocal function doraincheck(inst) --, dt)	--insects	local x,y,z = inst.Transform:GetWorldPosition()	local e = TheSim:FindEntities(x,y,z,5,nil,nil,{"bee","mosquito"})	local dapp = TUNING.DAPPERNESS_MED_LARGE * 3 * #e		--rain	local w = TheWorld.state    if w.israining then		if inst.components.sanity.current > 50 then			dapp = dapp + TUNING.DAPPERNESS_MED_LARGE * 1.5 * w.precipitationrate		elseif inst.components.sanity.current > 30 then			dapp = dapp + TUNING.DAPPERNESS_MED_LARGE*2* w.precipitationrate		else			dapp = dapp + TUNING.DAPPERNESS_MED_LARGE*2.5* w.precipitationrate		end	end		--moisture	if inst.components.moisture and inst.components.moisture:GetMoisture() > 0 and inst.components.moisture:GetMoisturePercent() < 0.15  then		dapp = dapp + TUNING.DAPPERNESS_SMALL  + TUNING.MOISTURE_SANITY_PENALTY_MAX/4	end		inst.components.sanity.dapperness = dappend

Put this inside your master_postinit


		--Sanity in rain check	inst:DoPeriodicTask(0.3 + math.random()*0.1, doraincheck )

I'm not a pro modder so I'm not sure if this is the best code out there. I'm just a newbie learning and just sharing this info before the pro modders come in. Hope I helped.

Edited by Valkyrie19k
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