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More housing options

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So looking around a bit, I can see some convenient mods when it comes to resting our characters, some tho, none of which that i was looking for tho. This could be to easy in cases of making the game more easier to play which can definitely strip the fun out of the game but I always like a little variety when I play.


Gosh, I feel childish just looking at my drawings. More than that, yes, I am aware that my handwriting is terrible.


A lot of times I had the feel for adventure and I just want to run around the entire map and explore and see what I can find, but time is of the essence when playing, and day and night continues to change and fight for it. I can just make a tent and rest during the time then go in the morning when its safe but I don't want to keep making a new tent overtime and wasting the webs that I have. This is of course, very difficult when you first start a new game. It's in general the actual point tho. I always dismiss this annoyance and just play thru the game anyway. but I've run thru this situation many times where I just wish I had a tent that I could move around. Which is why a simple thought occurred to me overtime, "why don't I just make a portable tent? Or why don't they?" it would be easier.


Eventually after spending enough days and months onto this game, and actually having free time, I pulled out some ideas I thought would be great and yet too "OP"


The first one is The portable tent, a simple manner of which would be a primitive yet acceptable dwelling to use, and good to use you don't intend to stay in one place.


To assure that this isn't something that makes the game too easy to the point that you would get bored I figured that I should take out some simple features the original DT tent has, for which in this case I decided it would be best to disable the temperature regulation, and it only supports sanity and hunger.  6 uses and nothing more. But just for my own benefit, I decided to make such options configurable, instead of 6 uses it could be 10 or so, and recipe values could be changed from easy to hard, otherwise truthfully I would need to discuss with someone on the recipe because I'm not entirely solid on how it should go about. The temperature won't be modified, however if it were to be next to a fire it should be okay. To pick it up just simply right click, and left click to sleep and place when it's in your inventory. It doesn't protect you from the rain, however it slows the saturation meter.


During this thought tho, my idea for the tent was actually second, I was thinking of other ways to place housing and I thought of a Pine tree for some reason. In general it's just like the normal tent, only with different recipes and lasts longer. It should regulate temperature and protects from the rain, and drys you from the rain too.


The last thing I thought of is the tree house, and I couldn't help but feel it was just the house that would be perfect, I figured this too, was too... "OP" in a way, because it can be accessed even when hounds arrive. I thought of making it a storage too but that might be too much, I wouldn't know how to put that together anyway. I thought about making two different types where the tree was also a fruit tree and it produces a pomegranate every now and then but I figured that if I can get someone or some people to make it for me we can vote on weather or not to do that.


Going down the list of what it can do...:

Supports Sanity and Health 5x more than normal tent


Regulates temperature at 58 degrees*


can be accessed even when hounds appear


it has 50 uses at minimum*


can be accessed in the day




What I would like for it to do but unsure weather or not it would be a good idea:

be a fruit tree and produce fruit*


more than one person can access the treehouse even when someone is already using it, (max is three, also if it is the case each person counts as a use.)*


once all uses has been used up it breaks down and leaves a seed of the tree house which can be planted

and appear in 5 days with or with out the house. (this does not apply when the tree is destroyed by a hammer, however it is applied if it is burned down.)


*is what I would like to be configurable


I apologize for any confusion, and if these ideas were taken already. I literally just made this up today, and put it up for grabs for anyone who would be willing to make these mods.


I don't entirely know what's what about these forums and how to use them in general other than asking for help otherwise, thank you for taking your time to consider even reading these idea


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