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Some funny and challenging survival ideas

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I hope this would be a good place to share your ideas of having a nice twist of survival, because there can be more fun or challenging ways of survival, more than the choices Klei has left.


Here are some of my ideas:


1. The barren wasteland (Difficulty: Easy ~ Medium)


World rule guidelines:

Turn off all monsters and animals.

No flowers, grass, saplings, reeds, berry bushes, carrots, cacti.

"More" spiky bushes, "Less" trees, "More" tumbleweeds, "Lots" of meteor frequency and fields.

Rest of the settings are recommended to be set to default. (But you may choose to set other settings in your way if you want a harder or an easier survival.)


This was a survival I thought of to implement an image of a barren wasteland. You have a very limited amount of food, even after being "civilized", so it may be a good way of practicing your management of food. Initially, I devised it with "None" of the trees, but it turned out to be way too difficult for me.(Difficulty: Extreme Hardcore) However, if you are a daredevil and choose to have an utmost primitive life, you may also try that.


2. [insert Creature Here] Overdose (Difficulty: Various)


World rule guidelines:

Choose one of the animals / monsters and set it to "Lots".

Rest of the settings are recommended to be set to default. (But you may choose to set other settings in your way if you want a harder or an easier survival.)


[Passive creature overdose: Super Easy ~ Easy]

[Neutral creature overdose: Medium ~ Hard]

[Hostile creature overdose: Extreme Hardcore]


This is basically a survival infested with a specific type of a creature. Difficulty depends on which mob to overdose the world.

By the way, you may also try setting all the creatures to "Lots", which loads an ultra messy world. It may be easy to replenish your hunger, but hard to survive the assault.


3. "Marshmallow" (Difficulty: Medium ~ Hard, Extreme Hardcore for WX-78)


World rule guidelines:

Set rain to "Lots" and frog rain to "None".

Season start is recommended to choose from summer or autumn, because you will start freezing on winter and spring.

Rest of the settings are recommended to be set to default. (But you may choose to set other settings in your way if you want a harder or an easier survival.)


This is a survival twist with an unending rain. You have to deal with the constantly draining sanity, so it will be pretty challenging until you get a waterproof dress-up. Playing this with WX-78 is not recommended. You may also choose to turn on the frog rain, but... seriously?

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Btw if anyone has any other ideas like this, I'd hope they would add it to this post, too. I'd love to see other ppl's ideas :grin:


I'll just gonna add another:


4. The Nature Hates You (Difficulty: Hard ~ Extreme Hardcore)


World rule guidelines:

Turn on treeguards and poisonous birchnut trees to "Lots".


Rest of the settings are recommended to be set to default. (But you may choose to set other settings in your way if you want a harder or an easier survival.)


It's simple. Trees would try their best to prevent you from chopping down trees. If you are a lumber addict, super strong and hostile trees will be everywhere, armed with tons of HP, damage and sanity drain. It may be hellish difficult, but if you get used to it, you will no longer need beefalos to combat hounds.


EDIT: That is just one variation. You can try other settings to "Lots" like:


lightning, frog rain, meteor frequency, killer bee hives

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