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Warfarin the Sticky Fingered: The Swift & the Dead Update


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Much as I hate making threads 'bout topics that already exist, the other one kinda, y'know, died. And died hard. 


But let's get onto this!


Link to topic about just the plain Warfarin mod:



Thishere's a new update for Warfarin, and that update is called...


The Swift & the Dead


And what will this update do?


Replaces that whole, shoddy roll system with a brand new HARDCORE PARKOUR system. How it works:

Hitting the designated jump key will make Warfarin jump a considerable distance forwards. Good for evading! Hitting jump again in mid air will make Warfarin roll upon landing, rolling works the same as before. Just jumping costs no hunger, but rolling costs 0.50 hunger. Hitting jump key a second time in mid-air will cancel out the roll command.


Jumping over a wall will make Warfarin climb and vault over it, making the jump go considerably farther.


Can jump over gaps in terrain, up to about 2 tiles of water. Having a wall at the edge makes the jump go EVEN LONGER! Costs 1 hunger to go over water. If you miss and land in water, you'll be teleported in a random location preeeeeeety far away, with 5 health, 25 sanity, and 10 hunger taken away.


Jumping when real close to a tree will make you climb into the tree. In trees, you CAN be attacked, but not seen by unalerted hostiles - even if a lightsource is nearby. When in trees, clicking anywhere on the screen will make Warfarin face where you clicked. And the jump key will make Warfarin jump out of the tree in the direction clicked. When in trees, clicking on another tree will make Warfarin face that specific tree.


Clicking on an enemy and then jumping will make Warfarin leap out of the tree and stealth-attack! No more of that clunky roll stuff! 


After jumping out of a tree, hitting the jump key when real close to another tree will make you quickly hop into that new tree. 


Here's a demonstration video! ...I really need to buy Bandicam at some point.



Stat changes:


Warf now does 75% damage down from 80%

Health reduced to 45. Have fun!

Backstabbing now deals 450 damage plus weapon damage plus bleeding.




Bows completely redone:

Instead of equipping the arrow, you now equip the bow! That opens up a lil' tab above the middle of the inventory bar that you can put the desired arrow type into to fire.


Added sounds for the bow!


The bow now has sounds.


Spiked arrows aren't crafted anymore. Not in the crafting tab, anyhow. Now they're made by clicking a button just beneath the arrow slot in the bow tab. If you got an arrow in the tab, and a handful of hounds teeth in your inventory, it'll take the arrow and give you a spiked arrow!


Water arrows will deal just 1 damage to creatures and will extinguish them. However, it will deal a whopping 120 damage to the dragonfly! Because water, y'know?


Explosive arrow fuse time reduced. Having the arrow out will hat you up and will occasionally set you on fire when fired.


The spiked arrow is now considered to be 'cruel'. Hitting ANYTHING with the arrow will subtract karma. But it has been buffed considerably.



The Hidey Hood has received a new texture. Some who've followed my other mods may just recognize the design.


Some improvements to Warfarin's textures have been made:

Satchel at their belt jiggles.

Their hood (It is hidden by their hair) is bigger and wobbles.


And that's what I've done for the update!




What I still gotta do:


Fixing Warfarin's hood up a bit.





Beta is out. PM me if you wanna help test!

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