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I'm another noob who needs help with a character mod

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I'm making a character mod for Equius from Homestuck. Some of his traits are:

  • Extremely strong
  • Accidentally breaks bows when he tries to practice archery, accidentally breaks things in general. He has trouble controlling his strength
  • Loves milk
  • Excessive perspiration
  • Vegetarian
  • Builds robots and fights them

I have the damage multiplier, diet restrictions, character appearance, and the extra sanity boost from milk figured out, but I would like to make him unable to use weapons, balancing out his absurd strength. I would also like his wetness to go up inconveniently.


So, for the accidental weapon breaking characteristic, I'm not sure which approach would be easiest, so any of these would be appreciated, roughly in order from most to least preferable:

  • When trying to attack something with a weapon, it breaks completely, similar to when someone attacks the Nightmare Throne, or loses way too much durability.
  • He is unable to equip weapons. If he tries, it either breaks or just doesn't work.
  • When trying to attack something, he drops the weapon as if it's slippery


As for the sweating, I would like it to be more of a con than a pro, as opposed to just helping the player stay cool. Any of these would be appreciated:

  • Sanity drain and sanity gain both increase wetness, but maybe this might create an inescapable loop in which the player loses sanity due to wetness and gains wetness due to a sanity loss. It would stop when sanity reached 0, though, or if the player equipped an Eyebrella or something. This would probably be hard to implement anyway.
  • He just gains wetness all the time, as if it's raining lightly, or gets wet from a very common trigger, like walking or interacting with anything.


It might be nice if tools in general depleted too much durability or had a chance of breaking when they were used.


I have him set up to start with a gear, but he is going to be pretty strong even after balancing so i might make it an Electrical Doodad/Frazzled Wires instead.



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	local function BreakWeapon(inst, data)		if data.weapon and data.weapon.components.finiteuses then			data.weapon.components.finiteuses:SetUses(1)		end	end	inst:ListenForEvent("onattackother", BreakWeapon)	local old_DoDelta = inst.components.sanity.DoDelta	inst.components.sanity.DoDelta = function(self, delta, overtime)		old_DoDelta(self, delta, overtime)		if not overtime and self:GetPercent() > 0 then			local waterproofness = self.inst.components.inventory:GetWaterproofness()			local abs_delta = math.abs(delta)			inst.components.moisture:DoDelta(abs_delta * (1 - waterproofness))		end	end	local old_GetEquippedMoistureRate = inst.components.inventory.GetEquippedMoistureRate	inst.components.inventory.GetEquippedMoistureRate = function(self, slot)		local moisture, max = old_GetEquippedMoistureRate(self, slot)		local sanself = self.inst.components.sanity		local waterproofness = self.inst.components.inventory:GetWaterproofness()		if sanself:GetPercent() > 0 and waterproofness < 1 then			local abs_delta = math.abs(sanself.rate)			if sanself.ratescale == RATE_SCALE.NEUTRAL then				moisture = moisture + 0			elseif sanself.ratescale == RATE_SCALE.INCREASE_LOW or sanself.ratescale == RATE_SCALE.DECREASE_LOW then				moisture = moisture + 0.2			elseif sanself.ratescale == RATE_SCALE.INCREASE_MED or sanself.ratescale == RATE_SCALE.DECREASE_MED then				moisture = moisture + 0.4			elseif sanself.ratescale == RATE_SCALE.INCREASE_HIGH or sanself.ratescale == RATE_SCALE.DECREASE_HIGH then				moisture = moisture + 0.6			end		end		return moisture, max	end


Edited by DarkXero
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Have fun writing 1000 lines of dialogue with that typing quirk! I expect a lot of



CT: D --> Would it be too much to ask 
CT: D --> For you to maybe 
CT: D --> Boss me around a little 


during combat and stuff. This is an awesome character concept though! I considered what some Homestuck characters would be like in DS, and they didn't seem to mesh very well, but Equius is quite dynamic here. 


For his robot minions, look at Maxwell's shadow clones. You could probably borrow a lot of that code.


Oh, he should be unable to use the Bucket 'o' Poop ;)

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Thanks! I put lines 1-5 before local master_postinit = function(inst) and put everything else inside it, and it works! I'm actually not any good at lua but I figured out where to put it based on other stuff. 


The triggers for moisture work in a weird way, which is pretty accurate to the comic.


The way that the weapon works for exactly one use is interesting. If players figure that out, they might just make a ton of spears for taking down bosses. It's pretty subtle though, and spears suddenly aren't that cheap when you have to make one for every hit.



Yeah, Equius has a lot of characteristics that have Don't Starve equivalents. His dialogue is hard because he doesn't actually comment on all that much in the comic, so there is more than one valid interpretation of what he would say to examine, say, watermelon seeds. :p The combat dialogue there is a good idea, though! 


I don't think I'm going to let him have robot minions. He's pretty powerful. I'm going to make the damage multiplier high, though I haven't finalized the balancing. After all, he's canonically overpowered, haha.


I'm not even sure how he would begin to comment on Bucket of Poop. It is simply too depraved.

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CT: D --> What lava%ious display is this 

CT: D --> E%crement loaded in to the most sacred of containers 

CT: D --> I 

CT: D --> I need a towel

The problem is condensing a lot of his dialogue down to a sentence or two sort of ruins the flow of his speech.

Edited by StarmanUltra
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