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Configuring MODs on DServer

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I've looked at the wiki, posts, etc., but I'm wanting to get some clarification here.


modoverrides.lua is the only way to configure mods on a dedicated server, correct?


That being said, will MOD updates break this file?


Is the order MODs are loaded via modsettings.lua definite in that lower mods will overwrite changes frrom previously loaded mods?


 If you're changing multiple individual settings in mods, will you need multiple instances of;


["workshop-361336115"] = { enabled = true,
configuration_options =
hunt_time = 6,
["String Phrase Option Name"] = "some value",
["workshop-336882447"] = { enabled = true }


or will you ammend the above to include multiple string arguments?


["workshop-361336115"] = { enabled = true,
configuration_options =
hunt_time = 6,
["String Phrase Option Name"] = "some value",

hunt_phase = 7,
["String Phrase Option Name"] = "some value",

hunt_example = 8,
["String Phrase Option Name"] = "some value",
["workshop-336882447"] = { enabled = true }


Or can you alter the base coding in the MOD's lua to and have it effect the client side download?


I'd like to keep this on the easy side rather than constructing a customized collection and reupping something and giving credit to original authors (because I have like 20 mods in place)

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