Some Tips and Questions

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I just finished the main story of invisible inc basic load out (decker, internationale, lock pick power drip) in ironman mode and man that ending! But I wont be giving any spoilers in here (at least I'll try you are warned) and even though I have a few questions I feel like it would be rude to ask if I don't give info as well don't you think? So I'll first begin with a few tips to help you finish the campaign because it just got harder!


1. Guard Patrols. There's this thing called "safe patrols" in the options, remember when the starting room was like a safe heaven in the early-access? And how everyone would complain if a guard would enter it on the first turn? well that is no more since now guards had to take an IQ test to be able to actually work as a guard. Guards will now try to scout other rooms cause "soda drinkers" and "phone slackers" will be severily punished if they stay longer than an hour doing nothing. So just a heads up watch out for doors on that "safe heaven" of yours you never know


2. Completing the main objective. Remember when getting to your objective was the actual hard thing to do? Well the devs decided to remind you that even though a mission has an objective your MAIN and MOST important objective is getting out of there alive. I don't want to spoil the surprise but you may want to get prepared for the worst if you touch those main objective machines.


3. Enforcers. Enforcers just got deadlier they had to take those IQ test I talked about too and they got new toys as well. It is said they smell the fear in your agents. And I don't even want to mention alarm level 6! If you recall from the Tutorial Decker was kidnapped, and conveniently left unsupervised in an empty room with a guard looking away from the door (No wonders why FTM has the smallest corporate district) but it is suspicious isn't it? well they could have placed a tracker on him. You'll know what I mean when you reach alarm level 6. (I promised no spoilers sorry!)


4. Plastech. Most of the time killing a guard is a bad idea, but there is this kind if guard which you may want to kill as quickly as you see otherwise you may want to bring some dang good programs. My advice for you is try to avoid Plastech first try to get used to it on a custom difficulty because this guys are kind of creepy. OR maybe I am just kinda creeped out because their guards are psychopatic-looking doctors either way take care inside there NO ONE who has entered there, including children, has come out again.


5. Server Farms. This shopcat has some dope music yo! But you are not here to hear about this cool music, I am going give you some advice on the hacking programs you may want to pick up. I am going to be very clear on programs ok? so listen up:


I. PARASITE IS YOUR FRIEND! but don't feel pressed it is very common. I usually would not recommend it as your starting program but you may need it somewhere in the middle of the story. Its capability to crunch though firewalls with a relative economical PWR input make it very helpful specially in the later part of the game.
II. WISP. I am so sorry for not appreciating this program as I should have when this game was on beta now it is finally released and wisp became more common I realized how good this program is allow me to explain: this program is equal to observing all visible guards, even those you are looking through a camera FOREVER this means you will always know where they are moving but use it carefully it is quite expensive although it doesn't have a cool down. I recommend using it when you have visibility on a large group of guards. Don't waste it on just one!
III. DAEMON DEALERS. On the full release of the game we now have a lot more daemons to be scared of and exactly because of that if you see a taurus or hunter (which by the way seems a lot less common now) BUY THEM! Please for the love of those poor agents! for the love of you PWR reserves! for the love of your wallet dear God! Please buy them heed my warning or regret your DOOM later on!
IV. The tool box. Remember wrench? well now all wrenches are actually better especially if you pair them with another program. Which one is it? well usually you wouldn't want to raise firewalls wouldn't you? well all that has changed. Why? What am I talking about? I may tell you ... If you are good.
V. UPDATE! I dont think I even need to tell you this but I will do it just for the newbies. If you find an upgraded version of your program don't hesitate on selling your old version, especially if you find parasite v2! Sure v2's are more expensive and you may not want to get dagger v2 (unless it was changed, since I haven't seen it) not only because they are better but because they are rarer than before So pick it, Don't drop it!



Now I hope all that was as entertaining to read as helpful in practice (if not feel free to complain in the comments bellow! I'll be crying in a corner if you don't mind, If you see something in my eyes is "eye sweat" is a weird thing I have you know! ;( ) But that is about all I can tell you without spoiling (or at least all the writer could think of!) Now I have a few questions for you veteran operators. Ready?


1. What happened to Rattle Sn4ke? In fact, what happened to all random events? were they removed? have any of you guys encountered them? Sure they made the game kind of frustrating especially the safe box ones but I found rattle sn4ke rather interesting and we never actually get to see him or at least had his lore explained.


2. Have you seen armor 1 K&O guards or armor 2 Sankaku guards? remember K&O having very commonly a 2 armor guard on the earliest days but usually they were stationary and not very threatening if  not disturbed but I haven't seen any armor 1 guards since the new update nor I have ever seen armor 2 HUMAN guards in sankaku. It also seems spec ops and shield guards are less common now. (yaaay?)


3. What happens if you pick central and monst3r as initial agents? Some one on this forum asked this very clever question. Do you get doubles of them or something? 


4. How do the seed and brimstone programs work? I haven't tested seed yet since I just unlocked it but it seems very OP if it does what I think it does and concerning brimstone does it deactivate them like hunter? or it takes them off when already activated? also what do you guys think about them are they worth using on a mission?


5. What is up with 120 hour long story mode an expert mode? I mean do you get to rescue the courier at the 3rd day mark on a 120 hour long story? (also what happened to him???) or do you play after Incognita does her "deal" (don't want to spoil there) And do you get an explanation of what happened later concerning Incognita if you play either 120 h story or expert mode story? I don't want an 

explanation I just want to get a yes or no as an answer because expert mode really seems tough and I really don't want to suffer that pain to get the same result and an achievement.


This will wrap up my T&Q topic and I hope you had as much fun reading as I had correcting orthographic mistakes. . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Sorry for the long post!  :(



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