Diet Modification Help


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I am trying to make my character have negative affects from eating fruits/veggies and be able to eat monster meat just like regular meat. This is the coding I have written for it at the moment, but it does not work. It doesn't crash the game but none of the affects I tried to write are going off and not sure what the problem is. Is anyone able to help point out what I did wrong?




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@Naidingo, welcome!


Here's a bit of code to get you started.

inst.components.eater.old_Eat = inst.components.eater.Eatinst.components.eater.Eat = function(self, food)    -- Do your stuff here        inst.components.eater:old_Eat(food)end

Read the "Tables as objects (and how to modify their functions nicely)" section of this guide for more information.

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