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Port Forwarded, but still having troubles? Help Please.

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Hello! A friend of mine has been trying to make a server work for Don't Stave that will let more than six people play. He got the server to pop up on the server browser in the game by Port forwarding to UDP 10999. When people try to join we get an error message "Try Yelling louder?"  What I noticed when I tried looking into the problem I turned the "Version Matches to: "No" and it still showed up.

We don't know what to do about this. Can anyone help out? Were pretty new to this. 


He is using [Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server] In order to host.


We're thinking about tring to use something like "hamachi" if we can't find anything to fix the problem.

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Does your friend have firewall software installed on his software?  If so, he or she must make sure that UDP 10999 is open on the firewall to let traffic through.  I ran into that trying to run it on CentOS, and I had to issue the following commands:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=10990-10999/udp
firewall-cmd --reload
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