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[need help] pickaxe animations for custom pickaxe


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Hello, I'm currently working on a custom item, It's a pickaxe which is a slightly modified vanilla pickaxe.

I used the existing textures for the pickaxe in the game and I want to use the animations too,but i dont know how to edit the .bin files. you see, I tinker with stuff rather than making stuff from cratch, mainly because of my lack of coding skills... art on the other hand is easy.


i made a custom prefab, that used the pickaxe animations in the game,but with a custom atlas-0.tex inside. the game spawned the item in my inventory as long as my custom prefab stats remained identical as the flint pickaxe. as soon as i removed the durability and changed the stats, the game didnt spawn the item.


this means i'll have to make my own animations or edit the pickaxe animations. are there any pickaxe spritefiles out there that i could use to make custom pixkaxe animations?


i have no idea what to do...




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