Help convert my Custom character to DST and possibly change traits


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So I have a custom character for DS, I would like her converted to DST. I would also Like for her traits to be changed. the modder that made her wasn't to confident in the coding so we had to simplify.

She is supposed to be a fire mage and I wanted to come up with a balanced way of giving her fire magic without using a staff. Essentially something like a melee range fire blast (Uses hunger instead of sanity, does not start fires)

At the moment she is immune to fire, Regen's sanity from being near fire, (She was supposed to lose sanity in the rain but that crashed the game apparently so her sanity was reduced instead)
She starts with a fire gem and a fire rod

The intention was as she is a Mage, her magic doesn't have an affect on her mental stability, she has grown up with it. However using her magic does make her hunger faster as her body has to keep up with the energy usage.

I would post the Rar, what is the suggested method for this forum. 

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