Looking for Character Artist


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Hello everyone! I'm here looking for an artist for the character Faceless Neil in this video at 4:18



I have found a programmer that is willing to do the coding so an artist is all that we need! Also, if the artist is willing to draw Neil's friend Ghoul as well, the programmer wants to put in Ghoul as Faceless Neil's version of Abigail for Wendy.  Thanks for your time! :)

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Omg, I literally just watched ten seconds worth of the video, and totally fell in love with Neil. :U


I'd be happy to work on his atlas for you. :-)  I'll start first thing tomorrow (since it's, like, twelve AM here, and I need my shut-eye).

Thank you so much! :D Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions for me or Stickybagelz (the coder) ask away even though I'm not sure what you could really need to know lol

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Thank you so much! :grin: Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions for me or Stickybagelz (the coder) ask away even though I'm not sure what you could really need to know lol


No problem. ^^ I'll send you a message when I'm done. I should be finished either today, or early tomorrow. :3

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