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[MOD REQUEST] Upcoming Events Notifications

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It would be nice to have a mod that would, at daybreak each day tell you how many days until the next season will begin.


 When the game starts with normal settings after the first night passes the character could say something like... 19 left days until Winter.. or Winter Starts today. 


Similarly, if the user where able to input their own countdowns for the player to announce as well that would be nice.

Suppose it where a console command: AddCountdown [Text] [+][days]


So, AddCountdown "Build fifth farm" +3.

At the next day break the character would say

 "<X> days left until <Season> "

"3 days left to Build fifth farm"


The next day would be "2 days left to build fifth farm" ... etc.


If the + is ommitted then use the value as the day number (ignoring the command if the day number is less than the current day number


So on day 4

  AddCountdown "Check spider nest" 10

means on day 5 light break would be

"5 days left to Check spider nest"


If players had multiple countdowns active it would only show the nearest n where n is some aesthetically pleasing maximium (configurable?)


Would this be possible/Easy?


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