Looking for a graphist !


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Hi !


I'm currently developping a character mod in Don't Starve. I almost finished my creation : the development is done and now I have to think about how to deal the mod to the Don't Starve community.


I found a name, powers and the character temper (I'll give all the details to those who are interested in the project), but now I have to draw him. And my graphic skills are limited to Paint ^^'

That's why I need to find someone able to create the graphic style of my character.


I precise that this project is not paid, and I do that only for pleasure ^^ The graphic style of Don't Starve obviously has to be respected for the character, but his appearance is left to the graphist (the only thing I ask is that his appearance has to be coherent with his personnality).


Finally, I am French so please be gentle with my english, and if we have to communicate about some things be aware that I don't speak english fluently ^^


You can contact me by sending a private message at first ^^



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