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Viking Village

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hey guys what do you think about humans in the dont starve world?well they dont necessarily have to be 

vikings,but human  they can be hostile or passive depending on how you treat them if you give food to them they would follow you around and help you like pigmen.also they would have things like crock pot lying around with coocked food. if you steal it they would immediately become hostile towards you they would chase and attack you until you drop it or run far enough from them, upon killing a viking/human  they have a 20% chance of droping viking hat,war axe,sword  various weapons food medical suplies and human meat which will lower sanity if eaten .you can also see them hunting animals like rabbit,birds,pigs ect

lastly if you were hostile towards them they could come out at night and attempt to steal from you,ohhh and they have a hostile Goat that will chase you if you enter their village.this was just a thought i wanna see what you guys think

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No, I don't like the idea of having humans in the world of Don't Starve (other than skeletons). That would take away from the isolation feel that the game is going for (sure, you have humanoid pigs, but that's outlandish enough to not make you feel too comforted around them).

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Nope.  Nopenopenopenope.


No, I don't like the idea of having humans in the world of Don't Starve (other than skeletons). That would take away from the isolation feel that the game is going for (sure, you have humanoid pigs, but that's outlandish enough to not make you feel too comforted around them).


Yes.   Yesyesyesyesyes.

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