Looking for someone to help with a gift.


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Hi, my name is Tacopete01. Obviously not my birth name, but formalities aside I was wondering how to go about getting a custom Mod made for me. I would attempt it myself, but I am terrible with what seems to be required and I cant make heads or tails with the tutorials. If im not allowed to do this here, I will understand deleting the post.


Let me give some background on what I am looking for. My fiance loves this game. Absolutely adores it. She plays it more than I do, and even has survived more days that I have out in the unforgiving wilderness. I was just looking for someone to maybe make a character that looks like her and has all her little sayings and witticisms. I cant imagine that it is an easy task to do such things, but here I am kind of laying it out here. There is more that I would love to do with a mod made specifically for her, but for right now a character would be great. 

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