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[Help Needed] Trying to create the eternal torch

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Dear Users,



I am new to this forum, but have worked with mods for a while.



I am having trouble creating the eternal torch. I organize all the necessary files like anims, scripts, sounds, etc.



And yet, it crashes whenever I enable it and hit ok. I have puzzled at this for an hour or so.



Here is the code in my modmain.lua

local STRINGS = GLOBAL.STRINGSlocal Ingredient = GLOBAL.Ingredientlocal RECIPETABS = GLOBAL.RECIPETABSlocal Recipe = GLOBAL.RecipePrefabFiles = {	"eternaltorch",	"torchfire",}ComponentFiles = {}Assets = {    Asset( "IMAGE", "fx/torchfire.tex" ),	Asset( "ATLAS", "fx/torchfire.xml" ),}function EternalTorch(player)    local recipe_eternaltorch = GLOBAL.Recipe("eternaltorch", {Ingredient("goldnugget", 1), Ingredient("twigs", 1)}, RECIPETABS.LIGHT, {SCIENCE =0} )	recipe_eternaltorch.atlas = "images/eternaltorch.xml"endGLOBAL.STRINGS.NAMES.ETERNALTORCH = "Eternal Torch"GLOBAL.STRINGS.RECIPE_DESC.ETERNALTORCH = "A torch that never burns out."AddSimPostInit(EternalTorch)AddPrefabPostInit("eternaltorch")

I have uploaded the files for further examination. Any help?



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