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Coding question

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Because in my mod I have added new ingredients I had to rewrite what each normal recipe takes so that they mostly would not use the new ingredients. The only way I new how to do that was by redeclaring them whole in the modmain.lua file like the following.



meatballs =
name = "meatballs",
test = function(cooker, names, tags) return tags.meat and not tags.rock and not tags.inedible and not tags.rock and not tags.collagen and not tags.horrible end,
priority = -1,
weight = 1,
foodtype = "MEAT",
perishtime = TUNING.PERISH_MED,
cooktime = .75,
AddCookerRecipe("cookpot", meatballs)


Is there a way to only rewrite the "test" part  of the above?


Using the above method works but I have a feeling it will interfere with other mods that mess with food, not to mention it is tedious and clunky.


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In cooking.lua, you can find the AddCookerRecipe function. It adds the recipe to a local table that gets returned by the file. Therefore, you should be able to do something like this:

-- if in modmain, you'll need this linelocal require = GLOBAL.requirelocal cooking = require "cooking"-- require "cooking" will return a table; the recipes key is what we're afterlocal recipes = cooking.recipes-- recipes are stored by cooker name and then recipe namerecipes.cookpot.meatballs.test = function(cooker, names, tags) return tags.meat and not tags.rock and not tags.inedible and not tags.rock and not tags.collagen and not tags.horrible end
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