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Finding the player components from any file

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Hi! I began to work on my own mod. I've figured out a lot by myself but I'll need help to continue.


The first thing I wanted to do was to modify the sanity rate under certain circumstances. I looked in Willow's file and took this code and used it to make my character become happy during the winter.

local function sanityfn()	local i=0	if(GetSeasonManager():GetSeasonString()=="winter") then		i=0.2	end	i=i+wod:CountFollowers(false)*0.1	return iendlocal fn = function(inst)        -- choose which sounds this character will play    inst.soundsname = "wolfgang"    -- a minimap icon must be specified    inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon( "wilson.png" )    -- todo: Add an example special power here.    inst.components.health:SetMaxHealth(800)    --inst.components.leader:CountFollowers(false)     inst.components.sanity.custom_rate_fn = sanityfn        end

The next thing I want to do is to make him happier if he have more followers.


This line is giving me my number of followers but I am not able to send it to the function above.

I think that my code is executed in the sanity.lua file. So it won't get any parameter and I can't call this line in the function.

I hope that you understand what I wanted to do. Is-there any way to get this number from the sanity file?


My thanks to anybody who could help me!

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custom_rate_fn is called with the prefab as the parameter, you just need to catch it in your sanityfn.

local function sanityfn( inst )	-- inst is the prefab that the sanity component is added to (in this case, your character)	local numfollowers = inst.components.leader:CountFollowers()end
By the way, you don't have to specifically do CountFollowers(false); if you call CountFollowers without a parameter, then the parameter will be "nil" and "not nil" evaluates to true, so it'll work the same way.
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Oh yes! I remember!


I did that but I had an error wich is actually corrected and I didn't try again!


and the false was in the processus of "omg, the game crash, something is wrong, I'll try to change that or that see if it help"

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