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Meat Effigy Gone Horribly Wrong Redone (Based On Raven Crow's Original Comics)


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The premise of this story is not by me, but by Raven Crow. It is simply me 

rewriting it if there was another character added in.  The story takes place

in a world created by Klei Entertainment, as well as it stars multiple amounts

of their characters. For any additional questions concerning copyright,

please PM me. Thank you for your time.


indent Do any of you remember my beginning days as a story writer on these forums? It was a thread that doesn't exist anymore. So, I've decided to take a small break from Raven's Dott Society, and rewrite this, but better. So it isn't borderline mediocre. There was one plot point, especially, that I am changing. The ending + Waclaw's (ScienceMachine's OC) involvement in the story. Now that that is out of the way, let's begin.



The Arrival


indent "Say Pal, you don't look so good. You'd better get something to eat before night comes." chuckled a dark, booming voice. Opening my eyes, I saw the shortest glimpse of the owner of said voice. He was a tall man in a dull red, pinstriped suit. He had a full head of smooth, black hair. In his gloved hands he held a lit cigar. Something in his dark, near expressionless eyes had me fairly worried. As I managed to find me voice, and begun to ask what he had meant, he disappeared in a puff of dark brown smoke. What just happened?!? He was there one moment, and now he was gone! Flabbergasted, I rose to my feet, brushing the dirt off of my clothing. Upon seeing no signs of human life in the immediate area, I began to explore my surroundings. Nothing but trees, grass, bushes, and the occasional boulder. The ground was scattered with what looking like flint, and many flowers. "Where on earth am I?" I asked to myself. Looking up, I saw not a single cloud in the sky. The sun was already close to setting. Something to eat before night comes... what exactly happens at night? Eh, I don't really want to know. I'd better get some materials for a fire. After a bit of scavenging, I had come across nothing but a single envelope. Opening it, I saw what seemed to be blueprints for an ax, along with instructions. It called for a large piece of flint and a sturdy stick. Remembering the rocks on the ground, I grabbed one. Upon close inspection, I realized these rocks looked exactly like the drawing on the paper. Yet, they didn't look too much like flint. Whatever, what you get is what you get. After about an hour, I had myself an ax. "Now, I can get some wood for a fire." I sighed in relief. Finding myself a nice, healthy looking tree, I began chopping. The wood was almost like plastic! It was incredibly easy to chop, and only took fifteen swings of my ax to bring down. Yet, the wood felt just like real wood. I couldn't bend it, or anything. Gathering some grass, I set myself up what would soon become a camp fire. For some reason, the man's suggestion came back to me. Something to eat... Looking around, I spotted what looked like a sprout sticking out of the ground. Pulling it revealed a full grown carrot. "What the heck? A carrot growing out here? That's odd..." I murmured to myself. Regardless of my confusion, I made my way back to the unlit fire. As night drew near, the fire was lit. Skewing the carrot on a long twig, I roasted it over the fire. It turned out good. I felt myself moving nearer to sleep. Laying down revealed there were no stars in the sky. This place is so... lonely. That was my last thought, before falling to slumber.

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