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a Dont starve Creepypasta

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So I went onto Don't starve and set up a new world using Woodie. Eventually the ninth full moon rolled around and I transformed, taking the opportunity to go and slaughter tentacles. After nine tentacles I ate a spikey pine and for some reason I went back into Woodie. I headed back to my camp which took me nine days. Just as it was about to turn dusk a mocking laughter started. It lasted throughout the entire night, fading out just as the night hand music played, even though it was the middle of the day. Black hands reached through the ground, eliminating all of my sanity. I was pulled through the ground and the screen blacked out. Then the screen projected a chessboard, with a shadowy background. A red liquid dripping down onto both kings. I could move the white pieces and they were countered by black pieces. When I lost, the light level picked up and the mocking laughter started again. Maxwell was sitting across me and his body had been slashed with a blade, a dripping knife sitting on the throne. Then he reached towards me (This scene was in FP) and lifted my head to the ceiling, where the blood was coming from. On the ceiling two spider guards were dismembering Wilson and Woodie, with Wilsons blood dripping on the black king and Woodie's blood on the now toppled white king. Then the spider dropped on the face of me and ripped me to shreds. Then as a ghost I watched as Maxwell slit his throat, the blood tumbling onto the board. I shut down the computer, then rebooted it and wiped the drive. Nine days later I had re-installed everything. Don't starve refused to load.

Edited by Dannyrulx
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