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The Story of a Traveler

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Alright, before I begin writing, I just want to say, if you're reading this, my name is *torn corner of page*. This is the journal where I'm writing what's happening. I-

The rest of the page is torn off and such, is indecipherable.

Entry 1

I woke up... I don't... I don't know what happened. I don't know where I am. All of my stuff is gone, except for a dusty brown journal. I got up, and saw a man, tall, with pale skin, with a greenish tint to it. He had a rose on his suit. I can't explain this... but he looks... familiar. I need to get food, apparently. Before Nightfall. I found a berry bush. Picked one, and gave it to a Crow. It didn't die. I suppose I'll pick some. I have a make-shift axe and some logs. Grass too. I'm going to make a campfire tonight. I feel so alone. I think I'll stop writing now. I need to finish the campfire. It's weird, I swear I saw a snake thing for a second... didn't I? I dunno, anyway. Ending this entry now.

The page ends there.

Entry 2

I didn't sleep last night, it was horrible. I was too terrified to, people used to say I was afraid of the dark. It's really just fear of the unknown though. After that, I hiked around, and found a road, leading to a rocky area, where I got some rocks and a bit of gold. I can't describe what I saw, but here's a crude illustration, it was... odd. I'm drawing it with Charcoal, so it might be a bit bad, but it's not like this is art school.
Anyway, it's pretty self explanatory. It was so fast, I barely outran it. I'm going to start the fire. It's getting dark. Alright, finished. So, after that, I made a crude piece of technology. Maybe I can make something, I dunno. I'm going to have to end it here, it's night time. The spiders might come back.

Edited by spiritcrusher77
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