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She had to find her base. She wouldn't die out here like a stupid dog. Willow had been wandering the plains for who knows how long. Yet all that lied around her was a uniform white. No trees, no rabbit holes. Nothing. "Stupid Deerclops. Chasing me away from my shelter." She mumbled to herself. Willow pulled what little sticks she had left and lit them on fire. She set them on the ground, wrapped her puffy vest tightly around herself, and huddled close to it. Slowly, a bit of warmth returned to her body.It was moments like these where Willow lost herself in the fire. There was no sky, no earth, or any other being. There was only her and the heat of flames.But it didn't last. The sticks burned quickly and soon Willow was in the cold once more. She wandered for what seems like hours. She was lost. Willow knew she was lost but she was stubborn. She wouldn't give up. But she was shaking violently now. Each step became slower and slower till she eventually fell onto her knees. "St-st-stup-p-pid...." She huddled onto the ground. So cold.....why did it have to be so cold. Soon, Willow's vision faded to black."Say pal...."

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