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=- New plants! -=

New plants to spice up the savannah.


- Red grass tuft -


Grows in the savannah, starting first summer.

- Can be harvested for [Red grass] x 1 every 3 days.

- Cannot be dug up, immune to burning.

[Red grass]

"16,6^30000 scoville units." - Wickerbottom

- Can be fed to beefalos in order to force them into heat. (Wears off after a single beefalo is born)

- Can be eaten by a survivor to burst into flames, raises temperature for 2 minutes.

- When dropped on the ground, it sets nearby objects and mobs on fire after 2 seconds (not applied when inside an icebox)

- [Red grass] x 9 can be crafted into [chili flakes] x 1 by Warly.


- Boa Boa tree -


Present at the very beginning.

- An area near these trees have special [Crumbly turf] that will make weeds grow 3x faster, however, other nearby plants will grow slower.

- The turf is renewable by growing the tree from a seed, which spawns the turf when fully grown.


- Bottomfeeder -


Technically a plant.. technically...

 1 Spawns at first spring.

- Will swallow baby beefalo whole and spit out 5 fur, does not affect adults or teens.

- Stepping into the trap will temporarily trap you.

- When fed enough baby beefalo (About 10 in a week) it will evolve into a plantish wormhole and spawn an exit in a random area. This wormhole can later be destroyed to reset it and test your luck on a new spot. Plantish wormholes allow for 5 trips before requiring 125 hunger worth of food (Drop it into the maw.)


My thoughts:

At this point I'm more-so dumping my silly ideas for DST stuff into suggestions instead of them being actual suggestions.

I feel like the red grass might be busted, but I'm not sure why.

Edited by marshyds
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