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mini mineabale gas vents

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so what im thinking is a new block so there like gas vents but in like mineabale form and they look like air flow tiles but u know the colors of the gas vent they are and they gas off forever in there not mined state but in there mined state they only last 5 cyclesadd new astroids for the new spaced out to go to no problem the new ventiolla astroid is here just full of a bunch of mini gas vents and gassy moos also its pretty cold like ice biome cold it even has its own biome and guess what its cold eat even has its own metor showers it even adds a new building the gas presser it gets all the gas out its made out of refinded metal and needs 240k watts to start it has an out put for gas and it requests the mini mineable gas vents the type it wants is your choosing and you need a tier 3 digger to dig it up if you want you can add new rockets PLS ADD

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