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Perhaps fertilizer care skills should work on all types of fertilizer

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Let the Fertilizer care skill speed up the application of all types of fertilizer.

As a Wormwood player, I prefer to use rot and manure directly to fertilize blood instead of Compost Wrap. One is because they're so ubiquitous that you don't have to make them, and Compost Wrap require three ingredients to make. The other is that there are many more uses to carry the rot, such as filling firepit fuel, fertilizing plants, as fishing bait, etc., while the Compost Wrap are only good for fertilizing yourself.

Fertilizer care is a good skill, but it only works on the Compost Wrap as if to tell the player that the Compost Wrap is the first choice. We want to use different fertilizers in different scenarios depending on the conditions, rather than just one Compost Wrap. 

We wanted to have more options and combinations (just as Maxwell have so many shadow outfits to choose from).

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I agree it would be nice.


The fertalisers have always been outclassed by sleeping, or honey pultice/healing salve outside of early game. This would also fix the blooming path for me.

They can revert the photosyntheis buff they did if it is too op, but i dont think so.

Edited by Jakepeng99
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