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I would like to see Woodlegs in dst

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I would like to see him have new pros and cons in dst.


1. Appears in the world with a happy hat (its mechanics have been redesigned and now it gives more percentages on a successful treasure, as well as reduces the time for the appearance of treasures)

2. Now, over time, treasures appear in the world (you don't need a lucky hat for that). There are also limited treasures and now only 4 of them appear, after digging up the treasure, another treasure will appear over time and another place will appear.

3. He has unique crafts (luck hat, telescope, boat cannon, improved boat patch)
Note: You can launch players and cores from a boat cannon.

4. Now he can raise sails faster, raise the anchor and repair the ship.

5. Has a second life after death. At death, it turns into a living skeleton.


1.Being on land, he loses his mind at a rate of 4.8 per minute.

Now let's talk about the shape of the skeleton.


1. Has no hunger

2. He has no mind

3. When taking damage over 25 HP, it crumbles into pieces, and also cannot take more than 25 damage.

4. Does not receive health penalties if he drowns in the ocean (but still gets wet).

5. Can restore HP with a piece of bone.

6. Immunity to overheating and freezing.

7. All the advantages of a live Woodlegs are that I work in the form of a skeleton.

8. Unlike Woody's werewolves, the skeleton can interact with the world like other players.


1. It has only 50 HP.

2. Wastes the sanity of other players nearby.

3. All treasures become unsuccessful (even if you wear a lucky hat).

4. The skeleton is considered a monster.

5. It cannot heal (only with pieces of bones).

Note: If Woodlegs is a skeleton, then all the food he eats falls out of it. If he dies as a skeleton, he will become a ghost, and when using a life-giving heart on him, he will become Woodlegs again (when using a life-giving heart on him when he is a skeleton, he will also become Woodlegs). If the skeleton wears a life-giving amulet, it will also become Woodlegs, and the life-giving amulet will spend 50% of its strength.


Edited by fboy98
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8 hours ago, fboy98 said:

6. Has a second life after death. At death, it turns into a living skeleton.

could do without this part.

instead how about something to do with wavy Jones.

Edited by SSneaky
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9 hours ago, SSneaky said:

could do without this part.

instead how about something to do with wavy Jones.

I thought it would be better in his skills, namely in the loyalty section of the connection with Wavey Jones.
As for the shape of the skeleton, I read the wiki about this character and found this in interesting facts (An early iteration of Woodenlegs would have made him able to transform into a skeleton, but the developers had trouble implementing the mechanic. Game files of this skeleton form became known as the unimplemented character Wilton) and thought it was a good idea to return this ability to him.

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5 hours ago, fboy98 said:

I thought it would be better in his skills, namely in the loyalty section of the connection with Wavey Jones.
As for the shape of the skeleton, I read the wiki about this character and found this in interesting facts (An early iteration of Woodenlegs would have made him able to transform into a skeleton, but the developers had trouble implementing the mechanic. Game files of this skeleton form became known as the unimplemented character Wilton) and thought it was a good idea to return this ability to him.

Imo we don't need 2 life states.

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I've been thinking about a second life. Now Woodlegs will have the curse scale instead. It is constantly accumulating, if it is completely filled, then Woodlegs will turn into a skeleton. After the transformation, the jackal curses will gradually decrease and when it reaches 0 Woodlegs will return to its former appearance. To avoid transformation, you need to dig up treasures, and to stay longer in the form of a skeleton, you need to use pieces of bones.
Now to the changes in the pros and cons of the skeleton shape.
1. Has no hunger (Woodlegs' hunger is remembered and when Woodlegs gets rid of the curse, then he will have the hunger that was before the transformation).
2. Immunity to overheating and freezing.
3. If Woodlegs in the form of a skeleton deal more than 50 damage, then it will fall apart and will not be able to hit and run, and it cannot be hit until it comes back together. Even more than 25 damage does not pass, for example, so if he is dealt 75 damage, he will receive only 25 damage.
4. When eating a piece of bone, restores 15 and prolongs the curse.
1. It cannot be treated with spider gland, medicinal ointment and so on.
2. Players nearby will waste their sanity and he himself spends more sanity than usual.
3. Woodlegs in the form of a skeleton is considered a monster.
1. When trying to eat food in the form of a skeleton, it falls out of it.
2. All the pros and cons of the usual Woodlegs shape also work on the skeleton shape.

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