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Some lil' suggestions I'd like to see in the beta!

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Upgraded Chest Cursor Tweak: Moving stacks of items within this container is currently extremely slow and tedious, as your cursor can only hold as much as a stack's worth of items. Would it be possible to make it so that items aren't split into stacks until you try to move these items to your inventory?

More Uses For Embalming Spritz: In a previous stream, the dev team mentioned they weren't interested in displaying food on tables yet, as their functionality wasn't decided at the time. Here's my suggestion: Why not let us wax these items and display them on tables as permanent decor that way? The waxed food could, similar to "scared petrified" plants, lose all of its functionality altogether. This'd allow us to display all sorts of food without needing to implement an eating mechanic.
 Also, being able to use this item to wax giant crops would be a really nice late game QoL, saving precious honeycombs.

Horizon Expanded Functionality Tweak: In its current state, this item is rather lacklustre. Might I suggest that, while worn, this item has a special action that allows you to look further in a single direction akin to a spyglass? Being able to see further ahead would prove to be really useful in ocean travelling or caves exploring (while being true to the item name).

W.O.B.O.T Suggestions: It's a shame that, at the moment, we are unable to take W.O.B.O.T into caves. This is likely because W.O.B.O.T is considered a special item (akin to Glommer's Flower and the Eyebone), which brings me to my next point: Why not allow us to get more than one W.O.B.O.T? I've been playing with them all day and these little fellows are amazing at what they do, but cramming everything into a singular spot where they operate is rather limiting. While I don't suggest making them "craftable", I'd like to see something related to Nightmare Werepig's junk throwing ability- Maybe there's a slim chance it could throw an additional  W.O.B.O.T if one isn't already present at the Junkyard setpiece? 

That's about all I have in mind. Thank you for reading!

Edited by Darkcape
Minor spelling mistake + a lil addition
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