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So, here's just a few QoL ideas:

Lumber tiles that provide additional Decor

Sunlight that works like the sun lamp but is the room/roof light version.

An abnormally high amount of Lux when exposed to oxygen or some other flammable gas will cause a fire or explosion depending on the severity of the recieved Lux. Adding onto this, wood tiles and other materials tagged as flammable will also burn.

A possible shader option (or a challenge option) to see how much Lux there actually is every tile- with 0 Lux tiles actually being pitch black, and with sunlight level lux giving off a lot of light, which also gives a real necessity for lights. And if this will get added, Atmo (As well as jet and lead- excluding Oxygen) Suits will shine light in the direction the duplicant is facing... or there could be a new suit type just for this purpose. There could also be an item a Duplicant could hold, or drop off, to emit light in dark areas if something like this is enabled. Nyctophobic duplicants can also recieve a stress debuff when in the dark as well, toggleable in the settings.

Gastrophobic duplicants will recieve a stress bonus when tending to Gassy Moo's and while in range of a Moopoleon Bonafarte painting (That was a joke. Hope you laughed! Not a serious suggestion..)

Modular generators to produce more power while also possibly consuming more fuel... or the possibility to create a generator with the use of insulated tiles, along with an engine block, maybe a fuel tank block and exhaust blocks too, depending on how you set up your engine/generator. Mid-Late game research

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