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UI suggestions

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There might already be plans behind the scenes, but I just want to mention it anyway. Can we please bring back the old Status tab in the player's inventory screen?

I'm aware that there are power variations that will probably cause confusion (e.g. conditional differences in Critical Chance/Weapon Damage with Focus Hit/gear abilities), so I can understand if you find it tricky to include everything, but seeing stats like RUNSPEED and DMG REDUCTION (from Yammo legs and possibly other future gear or weight classes) in a fixed section of the inventory screen is far more convenient than swapping back and forth between gear, gems, and upgrades.


Perhaps a hotkey that flips the page between the now-equipment-slots and the old-status-tabs might work? (and use the mousewheel as the default binding for mouse-keyboard players perhaps?)

Another suggestion: Just use the fully upgraded highlighting for powers you can't upgrade (see edits below for comparison). I think the darkened tone is just unnecessary and doesn't make it quite visible or clear that certain powers cannot be further upgraded. It can be especially hard to tell when you're playing on a couch/steam deck, where the UI appears much smaller in perspective and customized/default screen settings might make the visuals look more saturated or less vibrant (especially with older TVs and Monitors).


Let's say a new player gets 1 common power and successfully upgrades it to max. Then they get a legendary power right after. With no upgradable common power to compare with, the dark shading of the legendary power's slots could easily be mistaken as upgradable slots. And as a result, the player might enter Alki's clearing only to find out it's a wasted encounter.

Surely there are other solutions, but I hope I got the idea across.

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