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Theory: the Wagstaff portal

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The theory:

Wagstaff is making a portal, but due to the instability of it and the general illogical nature of the constant, it's leaking rifts. 

Wagstaff's portal will eventually cause so much colateral damage that the surface world will have entirely succumbed to Alter's wrath (Lunar geisers, greater gestalts, lunacy ect.)

This will make the world uninhabitable, causing effects similarly to disease. You must now survive in a dying world where the ground will split, monsters are harder to kill, plants become unusable  and the weather is unbearable, prepare for the endgame as fast as possible.

You will eventually be encouraged to go to the archives and rebuild his portal on the deactivated portal (similar to building the celestial florid postern.)

The portal will lead to the surface of the moon, where you must survive and suck up all of alter's lifeforce in different hazardous areas using Wagstaff's celestial suck 9000 (tm)

When winning, Wagstaff will offer you an escape from the constant using leftover abundant moon energy or let you stay for whatever charlie is doing.


Edited by marshyds
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