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Affinities giving extra dmg when using the correspondant weapons against all foes as well as other changes to the skilltrees

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As the title says, the affinities dont feel like chosing a side to which become an ally, most people use the most usefull one and for most people thats lunnar because there are way more shadow alingned mobs than lunnar ones.

Also the dmg and defense bonus of the affinites, while significant, feel a bit underwhelming due to the fact that a lot of the enemies are not aligned.

Making choosing lunnar side buffing lunnar weapons against all enemies (and same for shadow side, of course) would make the items preferable in more situations than they are now. Not only that but doing this really locks the player with one side of armory without making the other one useless. It gives more value chosing one side over the other and gives more significance to the choice of being lunnar or shadow, aside of the unique character perks that it gives.

The other sugestion is regarding how to obtain insight points, a lot of people, myself included, feel that the skilltrees been permanent unlocked is a bit ackward, not from a balance perspective, but simply because unlocking the points, chosing which perks you want prioriticed etc, adds a whole new level of strategy and refreshes the early game significantly.

It was mentioned in a dev stream that the reason the skilltrees are perma unlocked is because they are balanced taking into account people can start worlds with rifts off or on in a world. However i think this philosophy can be mantain with the previous aproach.

First make it so certain actions give insight points, needing almost ten hours of playing to unlock a character´s skilltree, having 18 total characters is far from reasonable if you need to unlock the points in every word. This actions could be related with the game progression and even have their own unique scrapbook page, a page that contains hints for every way there is to gain insight points.

This actions could be stuff like completing the moonstone event for the firs time, activating the archives, completing the charlie play, killing a giant for the first time(one point for every giant) etc.

This aproach will incentive curiosity and exploration in new players as well as being rewarding for experienced players that will create routes to rush the points, maybe you are playing a character that doesnt benefit from the ruins rush, but there are several ways to get insight points there, what do you do ? this is the sort of scenarios that this aproach brings to the table.

Secondly, it doesnt make sense "to discover" all this events 18 times, de-activating and re-activating the archives are a bit silly when you want to unlock other character´s skilltree, therefore the second change. Make all characters share insight points, if you have only unlocked 1 insight point, you can spent 1 insight point as every character on their skilltree.

And finally, i think it is fair that the player has to fight celestial champion and fuel weaber as every character, specially because that is not as time consuming. But i think a fair change made to the way they are unlocked is to make it so if the player starts a world with rifts enable they starts with the boss locks unlocked. That way the balance between world with rifts on or off since the start is mantain.

Thanks for reading if you got here, i hope i could offer something usefull or at least interesting to read.

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