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Switch (OLED) saves corrupt / broken in Hamlet


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..or "at least in Hamlet"

I LOVE this game, I really do.

I use it for recreation - to get all the stress of the day away from me for a few minutes, hours or however long I can play.
Grew up with C64, saw all the little bugs, I am aware of not shutting down a console too early so a save game wont be corrupted, etc.


This seems to be related to either a bug or a certain size of the "world file" in the save game.

Either way I am at the end of my tolerance, hence I registered here in search of help.

I managed to survive with Wickerbottom for more than 100 days, saved - then come back to play after a day and BANG
"The software couldnt be started, there was an error"  EXCLAMATION mark, [OK BUTTON ] the end of (my) world.
Of course I tried all the things that the Switch offers, which is NOT much.
I cannot transfer save games anywhere but the cloud - and that syncs up - you guessed it - with the broken save game.
I can "check for corrupt files", I can reinstall the software - been there, done that.
The switch sadly allows me not to go and take my save game and store it away - or send it.. so I am at your mercy - dear Devs..

So I chalked it up and thought, OK, something can go wrong.... lets start over 

4 days later- This time I played with WX and I think it must be 31 days or so - Being quite good I ve done a lot of things already to the world... 

but I would not believe it warrants a STACK TRACE ?

Corrupt Save File [porkland_3]

 scripts/saveIndex.lua something something  GetPersistentString (C).. something

Now, two times is one too many - I cannot go on playing this game if my saves just blow up like this.
This time I REALLY really *really!* let the game confirm I ve saved and then entered the main screen.
Then I just shut off the TV, no idea for how long that leaves the Switch active, but I was well done saving.



Anyhow--I bow my knee before the DEVs in hopes they can figure out what is going on.
I would *LOVE* to get at least one of the two save games salvaged or playworthy again.

But - even if that is NOT possible - what I NEED  is security to NOT lose my next save game.

Please help..

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