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We Need More World Terraforming Options!

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This is a pretty simple idea...


So basically, I think people should be able to fully customise worlds to their liking. We should be able to place and get rid of land around the sea and change the biome and stuff. However, you should only be able to acquire this power late game (like, post celestial champion late game). Maybe it would even allow you to dig up undiggable plants like catus and plant them elsewhere.


They could even make it something cool like you get two different tools from wagstaff. You get a drill and a land terraformer. That drill can be used to expand and take away from the cave land whereas the land terraformer does the same for the surface.


This would basically just add an extra challenge for those late game players. Kind of like how the game Animal Crossing gives you the option to change the land once you beat the game pretty much. And I don't see how it could be OP because by the time you would acquire it, surviving is no longer a challenge or a problem at all.

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