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~ Shiny Pokem... Creatures ~

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I recently played Roots of Pacha and you can find there diffrent animals to hunt or domesticate.

Very rarely you can find special coloured versions and you get an dopamine rush every time if you see a rare white mammoth or a jet black wolf.

Another prominent example is Pokemon, there a people that go on shiny hunts and completly loose the **** if they get a diffrent coloured Pokemon.

In terms of DST that will be interesting aswell, many creatures do respawn randomly or mate like Beefalo, so there can be a rare chance for creatures to spawn in a diffrent colour,


those rare creatures can drop double the amount of loot (a jet black Beefalo drops 8 meat, 2 horns and 6 wool, a white varg drops 6 teeth and 12 monster meat, etc.)


But most people will put those rare creatures in zoos and use them as rare pets.


Just changing the colour of a creature is not that much work in terms of development, so it wouldn't slow down the workflow to much.


What do you think guys and gals, do you have additional ideas for shiny monstrosities? ;)


P.S. the images are from: Animal Variety (DST) MOD, Koalefanta Probocidea MOD, Uncompromising Mode

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