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Disable Woodie Transformation OSTs?

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Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way to disable Woodie's OSTs when he is in his different cursed forms. Whether through a mod, editing files, or whatever. Reason being that the themes are overtaking the boss themes and I want to be able to hear them while I fight in the moose form. If no such way does exist, I can just resort to using videos in the background, but I'd rather have them play in the game... If anyone has any idea, let me know, thank you!!

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AddComponentPostInit("dynamicmusic", function(self)
	self.inst:ListenForEvent("enabledynamicmusic", function(inst, enable)
		if not enable then
			self.inst:DoTaskInTime(0, function()
				if GLOBAL.TheFocalPoint.SoundEmitter:PlayingSound("beavermusic") then
					self.inst:PushEvent("enabledynamicmusic", true)

I cooked up this hack, it goes in modmain.lua if you want it to make a mod yourself. Basically it runs whenever something disables the dynamic music (combat, crafting, etc.) and checks if any Wereform music is playing, in that case it re-enables it. The one quirk about this though is that transforming will interrupt the current music playing, but it will resume as you fight something or do other relevant actions. It would be a pain to try to fix that, but it's not really a big deal.

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