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The lightning spear is PERFECT!! Wigfrid's power is back!!

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This thought is pretty simple but I just wanted to say I love the lightning spear so much, it instantly makes Wigfrid's crafts stand up to brightshade ones in a way that feels very nice. Using the lightning spear + weaponized warble for boss fights and then dashing through a group of spiders or bees or etc to repair it to full durability feels amazing, it's very in line with all of the other repairable gear we've got now but with a unique character-specific twist to the gameplay. Very nice!!

Wigfrid is one of my favorite characters in any series ever and it feels so good to have such an incentive to play her again in a world full of characters that were far more powerful than her for a long time. Very nice job Klei, it's perfect!! <3

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