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[Mod Request] Feed your critters!

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Basically the following features:

  1. Critters hatch with 10% of max calories, this includes wild critters, and wild critters should be able to starve to death.
  2. However critters which come into existence as critters rather than hatching from an egg (e.g. preexisting on the map, Printing Pod) should have normal calories (or enough calories to easily lay an egg), to provide a generous grace period for the player to rescue wild critters.
  3. Wild critters have +100% reproduction as long as their mood is at least Satisfied, allowing a wild critter to lay 2 eggs in its lifetime if its environment is favorable.

Toggles in the mod Options would be ideal to choose which features apply.

So this mod would basically eliminate every form of starvation ranching which relies on unfed critters laying eggs, and would also cause wild critter populations to shrink or grow to match the actual food supply.

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